
Assortment of products made in a traditional way that Alfarería Rosa de Pereruela makes available to all customers with different utilities both to roast chestnuts, keep cold water, heat through alcohol or wood or mount a table with games of wine, beer, queimada or coffee.

Chesnut ToasterChesnut Toaster

Chesnut Toaster for direct fire made with refractory clay from Pereruela.

41,80 €38,50 €

Pereruela refractory clay fondue used both for professional and private use. We have two models: - Wood-fired fondue that has a characteristic shape of an oven reminding the refractory clay ovens of Pereruela. It consists of two pieces that are the fundue and the dish, which will be heated with firewood or charcoal to make meats, fish, vegetables ... or to keep cooked food hot. - Gel or alcohol Fondue that is composed of three pieces that are: the fundue, the bowl for the gel or alcohol and the dish in which meat, fish, vegetables, etc. will be made. It is advisable since the gel or alcohol evaporates before, to heat the dish previously in the oven so that the base keeps it hot longer.

88,00 €77,00 €
Eathenware PitcherEathenware Pitcher

Earthenware pitcher to keep water fresh naturally due to the porosity of the product.

29,70 €27,50 €
Wine SetWine Set

Typical and original set of wine of Rosa Pottery Workshop. It consists of 6 glasses of wine with its jug and it is ideal as a gift these days.

49,50 €46,20 €
Coffee SetCoffee Set

Original coffee set of Rosa Pottery Workshop, made in clay. As it is made with clay, it will keep the coffee hot as freshly made.

66,00 €60,50 €
Beer SetBeer Set

Original beer set of Rosa Pottery Workshop, composed of clay jug and glasses.

58,30 €52,80 €
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